Thursday, July 1, 2010


If you are looking for a substitute for the popular Stella De Oro Daylily, then look no further than these varieties...

Hemerocallis 'Yellow Lollipop'

Lightly ruffled, medium yellow flowers that bloom from early Spring to frost. A compact re-blooming daylily that matures at 12 inches high.

Hardy to zone 5

Hemerocallis 'Stella Supreme'
This durable perennial with its grass-like leaves produces showy clusters of lemon-chiffon yellow lily-like blooms on tall stems. Flowers appear in late spring/early summer and continue until frost. Grows 14 inches tall. Plant in drifts for maximum effect.
Hardy to zone 3

These make a great addition to your garden center or landscape!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cheer for the little guys...

Itea virginica 'Sprich'
Developed by Richard Feist at Hummingbird Nursery in Kentucky, Little Henry is a dwarf form of the famous 'Henry's Garnet'. Little Henry's buds will bring sweetly scented, pure white flowers on cylindrical racemes (3-4" long) in late spring to early summer.
This low-mounding, compact shrub has arching branches that produce brilliant fall colors of orange, red, and purple persisting into winter. Maturing at a size of one and one-half to 2 feet high by 3 feet wide, Little Henry(R) would make a perfect addition to any landscape.
Little Henry(R) Dwarf Sweetspire is hardy to zone 5.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Under the shade tree...

Dicentra spectabilis

Elegant plants growing 2 to 3 feet tall, have mounding fern-like leaves and arching sprays of red heart-shaped flowers from late spring to early summer. Best in fertile, light soil. Tolerates full sun in cooler climates.

Dicentra are hardy zones 2b-10 and prefer dappled shade and cool conditions. In areas with hot summers the foliage and flowers may die back in the heat and return with cooler fall weather.

Summer is a good time to divide Dicentra as it winds down for dormancy but most bleeding heart plants won't grow aggressively in the garden so don't need to be divided very often.

If the soil is too wet, bleeding hearts may suffer from crown rot. In areas with dry, hot summers, bleeding hearts may not do well. Aphids can also be a problem.

Dicentra pairs nicely with many cottage garden plants such as hardy geranium, foxglove or daylilies. Use other shade-loving plants like hostas, brunnera and hellebores to combine with bleeding hearts in the part shade garden.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Color Kits!

The New Endless Summer (R) Color Kits have arrived!

It’s no secret that many bigleaf hydrangeas have the unique ability to change flower color from spectacular pink to beautiful blue depending on soil pH. But for some gardeners, the best way to accomplish the task still remains a mystery. Color Me Pink and Color Me Blue make color changing easier and safer.

Color Me Pink features pelletized Garden Lime and Color Me Blue is pelletized Soil Sulfur – both formulations are safer alternatives to other color changing methods. Both products feature a pre-measured scoop and easy-to-understand directions printed right on the waterproof container.

Color Me Pink™

Color Me Pink™ offers the perfect solution for changing your hydrangea flowers from blue to pink. Using garden lime, Color Me Pink™ safely and effectively changes acidic soils to alkaline for fantastic pink blossoms. Color Me Pink has a suggested retail price of $9.95.

Color Me Blue™

Color Me Blue™ takes your hydrangea blooms from pink to blue. Using Soil Sulfer, Color Me Blue™ lowers the pH of your soil allowing hydrangea varieties such as Endless Summer® The Original to produce glorious blue blossoms. Color Me Blue has a suggested retail price of $12.95.

Be sure to read and follow the package directions. Remember, more is not better when it comes to soil additives.
Add these to your spring orders today!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What a punch!

We wanted to give you an update on the Knock out (R) Roses.

Most sizes are at least budded, and some are starting to bloom.

It is time to get the roses into your garden center or store!

Rosa 'Radtko'
Presenting a fuller, richer, cherry-red, double bloom that is simply breathtaking. Blooms maintain a continuous show of color from early June to hard frost with beautiful foliage. Compact and upright fashion, more winter hardiness and shade tolerance make this a big Hit!

These make a great statement in your landscape!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Blooming Columbine

Our varieties of Columbine are really starting to pop here on the Nursery! Our Swan Mix Columbine are a vivid array of bright colors and would look great in your garden center this next week! Many of our other varieties are sitting on go-loaded up with buds. In a few days time they will be extremely eye-catching!

Swan Mix Columbine #1 Aquilegia x caerulea 'Swan Mix'

Friday, April 2, 2010

Just right....

Happy Easter!!! One more food related post for the week!


There are several different types of blueberries. The four most common types are rabbiteye, lowbush, half-high, and highbush.
1. Rabbiteye blueberries are much more suited to the southern climates, and are native to the Southeast. They grow taller than even the highbush blueberries, growing as high as 10-feet.
2. Highbush are the most familar variety of blueberries. They derive their name from their growth habit reaching over 6 foot tall.
3. Lowbush varieties grow more like a groundcover, only reaching approximately 1 1/2 feet high.
4. If you are looking for something in the middle, then look no further than half-high blueberry varieties. They are a cross between lowbush and highbush having fruit size and taste between the two types.
I hope this information helps you understand blueberries a little more.

Chippewa Blueberry
Vaccinium corymbosum 'Chippewa'
'Chippewa' is a half-high blueberry variety, and is a compact shrub growing only 3-4 feet tall. Light blue berries are large and sweet in flavor. Fruit set ripens in midseason. Introduction 1996, a sweeter berry and more upright in growth habit than Northblue but with yields as high. A good plant for home gardener and self-pollinating.

Look for Greenleaf Nursery Co. blueberry plants in your local garden center, or add them to your Spring order today!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Peaches and Cream....YUMMY!!

Staying with the food theme, how about peaches and cherries?

These trees show off their beautiful blooms in early spring without the distraction of leaves! They have several seasons of interest, and will be the center of attention in your garden center!
Crimson Cascade Weeping Peach
Prunus 'Crimson Cascade'

Produces red double flowers followed by deep maroon leaves that fade to green-maroon by mid-summer. New leaves produced under cool temperatures in fall will again be dark maroon. Mainly used as an ornamental since fruit is small and of poor quality. Height is 12 feet with a width of 8 feet and is hardy to zone 5.

Double Red Flowering Peach
Prunus persica 'Cardinal'

A small growing, round-headed, ornamental flowering peach with dark-red double blossoms. A real showpiece in the spring. Flowers appear in April before lustrous, sharply serrated green leaves. This peach is hardy to zone 5.

Corinthian Pink Flowering Peach
Prunus persica 'Corinthian 'Pink'
An ornamental flowering peach with pink double flowers in the spring. A real showpiece in the spring. Flowers appear in April before lustrous, sharply serrated green leaves. Matures at 20-25 feet and 10-15 feet in width. It is hardy to zone 5.

Akebono Cherry
Prunus x yedoensis 'Akebono'
Maturing slightly smaller than the Yoshino Cherry tree, this hybrid has delicate pink blooms in the spring and an upright spreading form. Matures to 25 feet in heitht with a similar spread, and is hardy to zone 5.
Sorry these trees don't produce edible fruit! However, they would be a great addition to your landscape or new spring order!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Strawberry Shortcake

It's the week of food! Chocolate Vine yesterday and strawberries today!
Wonder what tomorrow will be?

Red Chief Strawberry
Fragaria x ananassa 'Red Chief'
A herbaceous root that is very vigorous and disease resistant. Produces medium to large strawberries that are firm and juicy. Hardy to Zone 3.

Seascape Strawberry
Fragaria 'Seascape'
Large and productive fruit with excellent flavor when picked ripe from the plant. Very successful for summer and fall production. This 'Day-Neutral' variety produces fruit in six-week cycles. Very successful for Northeastern growers. HARDY TO ZONE 1!

Jewel Strawberry
Fragaria X ananassa 'Jewel'
Great choice for home gardeners and commercial growers. This berry has large berries with outstanding quality and flavor. This June-bearing strawberry performs consistantly, is winter hardy and vigorous. Hardy to Zone 4.

Allstar Strawberry
Fragaria 'Allstar'
Large, sweet and extra juicy strawberries are June-bearing. Suitable to most growing regions and soil conditions.
FROST RESISTANT! Hardy to Zone 3.

They are growing and selling fast! Put them on your order today!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


We have a beautiful addition to your orders this week!

Silver Bells (TM) Chocolate Vine

Akebia quinata 'Cultivar No. 2'

A new selection of this twining vine with wine-red flowers in spring. Very clean foliage with a bluish cast. Dainty appearance, but very vigorous; an excellent vine to use on trellises or fences.
They are hardy to Zone 5.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Lilacs and Redbuds

Question: What does a Lilac and a Redbud have in common?

Answer: 'Betsy Ross' Lilac is the result of a hybridization program carried out by the late Arboretum scientist, Dr. Donald Egolf, and the Don Egolf Redbud was named after the scientist.

'Betsy Ross' Lilac
Syringa 'Betsy Ross'

'Betsy Ross' Lilac is a compact, rounded shrub. This fragrant, white blooming lilac matures at a height of 10 feet tall and 13 feet wide. Her dark, green foliage is tolerant to powdery mildew.

Don Egolf Redbud

Cercis chinensis 'Don Egolf'

'Don Egolf' is a durable, tough plant, and grows well in full sun or partial shade. Abundant rosy mauve flowers cover the stems of this shrub/small tree in early spring. The foliage is large and dark green on this fruitless selection. Mature size is 9 feet tall and wide.
Add these spring blooming beauties to your order today!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nothing Gold Can Stay

While walking the docks this week our customer service team spotted some stunning forsythia. We wanted to share some photos. I'm just sure the forsythia was the inspiration for Robert Frost to write his famous poem Nothing Gold Can Stay. Remember the forsythia when working up your orders as this plant is currently prime and the lovely gold is "her hardest hue to hold".

Lynwood Gold

Hardy, rapid, and upright growing shrub to 6 feet tall. Brilliant golden yellow flowers open fully and are very heavily distributed along the stems in spring before the foliage emerges.

Showy Border

Large bright yellow flowers are reliably produced each year, and on each plant. Flowers are produced in early spring, followed by medium green foliage. Growth habit is a vase to upright shape with a moderate growth rate.

Other varieties include:

Meadowlark- This is an extremely hardy (-35 degrees) Forsythia. Its compact growth habit 6-9 feet high, dark green and pest-free foliage, and masses of striking yellow flowers, make this an exceptionally popular flowering shrub. Good in masses or as a specimen.

Northern Gold- An upright shrub 6 to 8 feet tall with gray-yellow branches. Flowers are golden yellow with good bud cold hardiness.

And we leave you with:

Nature's first green is gold,
Here hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower,
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief.
So dawn goes down to day,
Nothing gold can stay.
-Robert Frost

Friday, March 19, 2010

Kokomo Sunset Daylily

This new Daylily has really impressed us in customer service because we have seen new growth much ealier than any other daylily on the nursery. Gardeners look foward to 4" wide, deep golden blooms with burgundy-red eyes early than most daylily varieties. The blooms have a light ruffled edge and a green throat. Kokomo Sunset has a long bloom season and multiple flowering cycles making them perfect for mass planting and perennial beds. As an added bonus this daylily has compact grass-like foliage that is Rust resistant. Matures to 14-18" tall.

Kokomo Sunset will stand out in your garden center not only because of the superior quality but the attractive 24/7 series pot and tag will demand buyer recognition. We snapped this shot this week (3/15) on the docks headed to one lucky customer--this is exactly what you can expect to come off the truck on your orders next week. Call us today to get some added to your next delivery!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Threadleaf Dwarf Falsecypress

We have two varieties of Threadleaf Falsecypress that are wonderful dwarf golden varieties.

Add these to your next order!

King's Gold
Chamaecyparis pisifera filifera 'King's Gold'

Matures at 4 feet tall with an equal spread. Zone 4 Hardy.

Gold Mop Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis pisifera filifera 'Mops'

This slow-growing, mounding, cultivar has more intense yellow on thread-like foliage, and grows to 30-36 inches. Zone 4 hardy.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Weeping Pussy Willow & Creeping Phlox

Weeping Pussy Willow is sitting on GO!! Get these on order next week to ensure that they pop in your store. Catkins are just starting to crack, take advantage of these showing plants that are perfect for specimen planting.

And the Creeping Phlox are really starting to color up.




Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blooming Today!

We have found several plants that have moved out of dormancy and are showing their magic! These would be great items to add to your orders next week because they are eye catching and impulse buys to those customers who are eager for spring!

#1 Pomponette English Daisy

Quart Elijah Blue Fescue

Vinca Minor

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blue Atlas Cedar

*We have a new arrival*

Every year we get a TON of requests for Blue Atlas Cedar. Well, your wish has been fulfilled--we have ~200 BEAUTIFUL #5 Blue Atlas Cedar. Add these to your orders now because they will not last long! In efforts to spread out these to our customer base, we are limiting orders to a quantity of 25/order. Call your territory rep or CSR to start an order today!

#5 Blue Atlas Cedar

Item #1183.050.1

~200 available

specing at ~3.5-4' tall

Definite specimen use, for large properties, this tree makes a statement by itself, With powder blue, somewhat silver needles and a pyramidal shape when young, becoming flat-topped with horizontal spreading branching when older. Grows to 40-60 feet.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Magnificant Magnolia!

Greenleaf Oklahoma is beginning to see spring peeking out!

Deciduous Magnolias are so magnificant because they are one of the earliest glances at the coming spring. A friendly reminder that we are nearly through the cold dreary days of winter and soon will be shedding our coats to enjoy the sunshine.

These spectacular magnolias are in full bud and/or bloom on the nursery. Varieties include:





Royal Star

Add these to your next order before the warmer temperatures cause them to fade!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Customer Service Meet and Greet!

Greenleaf Oklahoma
Customer Service Team

The best customer service team you will find! We work with nurserymen and territory reps to meet our customers needs on wholesale nursery material. Contact your sales representative or give us a call directly at 800-331-2982!

Team members include:

Sandra Epperley, our Customer Service Manager

Sandra has 10 years of experience with Greenleaf. She manages our daily team affairs and helps coordinate with upper sales team and other departmental managers. She started out in propagation and quickly was selected to move to our department because of her customer service skills. She has an excellent working knowledge of our customer base and works directly with territory reps Sam Yeager, Rudy Martinez and Jack Klomp.

Bonnie Green

Bonnie came to customer service after working for two years in our data entry department. Her through knowledge of our e-plant system and positive attitude make her a valuable asset to our team. She has been on the customer service team for 4 years and works directly with sales reps Ben Brown, Lane Jensen, Mark Mayeske, Ray Taylor and Rich Bailey.

Kristen Patterson

Kristen came to Greenleaf from the University of Arkansas horticulture department and is starting her 4th year with the company. She works on the saleable inventory audits and directly with territory reps Lance Bartel, Dave Shanklin, Kevin Effinger, and Joel Gaydos.

Mallory Mounce

Mallory is beginning her 3rd year with Greenleaf. She too is a University of Arkansas horticulture grad. Mallory spends a majority of her time on the nursery looking at product and obtaining pictures/specs for our customers and sales team. Mallory also works with sales reps Abbey Higgins, Margie McKinney and Mark Bentsen.

Robin Skelton

Robin came to Greenleaf with a background in customer service. She has just completed her second year with the team. Robin has invaluable excel skills and has a ton of follow through with customers. Robin works directly with territory reps Josh Hetley, Paul Wronski, Troy Lee, Toby Brown and Chance Alldredge.

Joel Skinner

This will be Joel's first spring on our customer service team. He began with Greenleaf last spring working on the shipping docks to familiarize himself with our product line. Joel manages the orders of our drive-in customers from placement to pick-up. Joel works directly with territory reps Brian Hatfield, Anne Morton, Mendell Radebaugh and Casey Schmidt.

Keisha Smallwood

Keisha is the newest member of our team, starting with us in January. She too is a University of Arkansas horticulture graduate. Keisha is a quick learner and was familiar with GNC Ok through a summer internship in 2008. She is working with territory reps Kenny Dolson, Al Riefenhauser, Chris Gaydos, Josh Ringleb and Marike Mericle.